Welcome to Mora High School Activity Registration

You will need to have your student's ID number to set up your account and register each student.

Your students ID number can be found in their StudentVue account under Student Info.


Athletic Participation Information  

If your child plans to participate in a sport or activity, we encourage you and your child to watch the online activity meeting at the top of this page. Coach/Advisor contact information will be available on the website as well. You can reach out to the coach/advisor and get practice information, and any other information they have for you.  Please keep in mind that all students will also need to pay their activity fee:  Students in grades 7-8 have a $25 activity fee while students in grades 9-12 will pay $50.  

All students in grades 7-12 who participate in school sports must have a sports physical on file in the district office, they are vaild for 3 years.

Sports Physical - Sports Physical papers can be downloaded and printed from the top of this page. You must bring your completed physical form to the District Office before your son/daughter will be able to participate in sports.

 You will not need a sports physical if you don't participate in a sport.


 Click the icon below to register for an activity.





If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:

Charles Whitbred Jr. - Activities Director

Email: cwhitbred@moraschools.org

Phone: 320-679-6200


Elisa Cosgriff - Activities Assistant

Email: elisacosgriff@moraschools.org

Phone: 320-679-6200